I’m Done With Christmas Cards…Forever

I’m just going to come right out and say it: I’m done with Christmas cards. Like, forever. I always thought of sending out cards with yuletide greetings as a right of passage… Things real grown-ups do: Buy a housePay billsStart a familySend out Christmas cards featuring happy family every December 1st I was excited to…… Continue reading I’m Done With Christmas Cards…Forever

Why The Polar Express Ride Your Town Offers Is Bullsh*t

Does your town do a Polar Express-themed train ride every holiday season? Ours does. And let me tell you – it is bullshit. The Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad offers train rides to the “North Pole” and a visit with Santa every holiday season for some pretty…ahem…”affordable” prices. Can’t put a price on magic? Think again.…… Continue reading Why The Polar Express Ride Your Town Offers Is Bullsh*t