Coronavirus in Ohio: Doomsday Prepping, Bunker Life, and The Helpers

This morning, I woke up sweating and convinced I contracted Coronavirus. Turns out, The Husband thought 77 was the perfect thermostat setting for Bunker Life. Yesterday morning, I made the scary trip to the grocery store to Doomsday-Prep. I’m not gonna lie – I was absolutely one of the yahoos with a ridiculous amount of…… Continue reading Coronavirus in Ohio: Doomsday Prepping, Bunker Life, and The Helpers

Coronavirus 3-Week-Long Spring Break in Ohio

I know I joke an awful lot when it comes to serious issues. It’s a problem. Or maybe it’s a cure? I have always had a tendency to say the most inappropriate things at the wrong times. But hey, that’s just me. I feel better when I make a joke about something scary. It doesn’t…… Continue reading Coronavirus 3-Week-Long Spring Break in Ohio