A Strand of Hair Sent My Infant to the ER

Once upon a time, I spent three hours in the emergency room, with my infant daughter, all because of a strand of hair. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking, because I said it out loud, myself, AT LEAST six times while in the waiting area: How the hell did this happen? That evening, we were…… Continue reading A Strand of Hair Sent My Infant to the ER

Breastfeeding & PPD

I was 24 when I had baby number one. As a first time mom, I had tons of naive expectations for what everything would be like. The pregnancy. The delivery. All the bonding that would happen during maternity leave. I guess I just assumed every step on that 9-month journey (and every day after) would…… Continue reading Breastfeeding & PPD

I Thought I Knew It All – But My Pregnant Body Just Took Me For A Loop!

I have three children, ages 8, 7, and 3. I truly thought I’d seen it all in regard to pregnancy. I’ve been through it enough times, after all. I’ve experienced swollen ankles, growing feet, back pain, heartburn, rashes, stretch marks, Placenta Previa, an emergency c-section, planned c-sections… So, when I became pregnant with baby number…… Continue reading I Thought I Knew It All – But My Pregnant Body Just Took Me For A Loop!