Dear Husband, We Need To Talk…Again…

Today I woke up with a killer headache and a proverbial itch that I just can’t scratch. What is this shit that has been happening to me? I like to blame the pandemic when I’m thinking about changes in myself. But, if I’m being honest, that’s not it at all. Dear Hubs, I’ve changed my…… Continue reading Dear Husband, We Need To Talk…Again…

Marriage How-To: Growing With My Husband

Sometimes we disagree. And that’s OK. We are two different personalities. It’s bound to happen. Hubs and I have been through our share of obstacles. I don’t know any married couple who hasn’t been through something. Maybe I’m just feeling extra mushy because it’s almost our 10 year anniversary…But I have some things to say.…… Continue reading Marriage How-To: Growing With My Husband